Surviving a Holiday with Teens In-Tow
Family holidays can be the most wonderful experiences imaginable, or in some instance more like nightmares beyond comprehension. And needless to say, the latter of the two headers is the one that usually hangs over holidays with teens. Even on a ski holiday where the purpose of the trip is clear and everyone’s on-board with the idea, things can turn sour very quickly and put a real crimp on the whole trip.
The funny thing is though, a little forward planning can make all the difference in the world and rule out so many of the common disasters that face those travelling with teens.
So if the thought of your next trip is filling you with as much terror as joy, here’s a quick look at a few tips you need in your life:
The minute you think you’ve covered all bases, you haven’t. What you have to expect is that whatever it is you decided not to take, this is precisely what they’ll want and thus kick up a fuss about. Make a checklist and approve it with your teens before setting off, which means that when the time comes for them to throw a tantrum, it won’t be one that can be blamed on you!
Boredom is the biggest killer of family harmony on Earth, so if you manage to rule this out to the highest possible extent, you’re golden. Think short-haul flights, the fastest Alps2Alps ski transfers you can find and enough entertainment to last them three trips around the world. Movies, books, music, drinks, snacks and so on – call it bowing to their every need, but the peace is worth it!
If you take a pair of rowdy 13-year-olds to the most upmarket hotel in the poshest resort in the Alps where the lowest age is 65 and the average bank balance eight-figures, it won’t be long before they’re bored to death. And probably in trouble. Or at least feeling like outcasts. They don’t need a kiddy camp anymore, but at the same time you must take them somewhere in-fitting with their ages at the time.
Even if you are going to ski for the most part of the trip, take a good look into the alternatives around for when they need/want/insist on a change for any given reason. In the Alps, you’ll be spoilt for choice all year-round with things like hiking, mountain biking, rafting, paragliding, wildlife stalking, photography trips and of course, all the cafes, bars and clubs in the world. Just be sure to know what’s on offer and don’t be afraid of the odd deviation here and there.
Expect Unrest
And finally, if you expect your trip to go off 100% like a Disney movie without a single incident of unpleasantness, you’ll find yourself in a pit of despair when things hit turbulence. So instead, accept the fact that the occasions hiccup is a given and simply make the promise to move on from any and all as fast as possible – your holiday is for pure enjoyment and arguments can be saved for the ride home!
Photo source: flickr.com/photos/oakleyoriginals